Have you ever led or been part of an organization or department that was growing so fast it felt out of control? On top of all the daily and weekly things that need to get done, now you need to incorporate all the new sales and projects coming in the door. Despite feeling crazy during the process, high speed growth is a great problem for a company to have. I can hear some of you sigh, because it might not FEEL like a great problem when you’re in it. It can be overwhelming. The key is keeping the pace steady without it feeling like a rollercoaster for everyone involved- both employees and customers. Here’s a few ways to organize during times of high-speed growth:
Get Your Mind Right- Ever hear the saying “an idle mind is the devil’s playground?” That’s because when you’re mentally focused to take on a challenge, there’s not a whole lot of time or energy to dwell on outside things. This saying reminds me of a teenager who isn’t involved in any activities or sports… the likelihood of him or her getting in trouble naturally increases.
Here’s your opportunity to commit to a challenge and show yourself what you can do. The way you speak to and about yourself is important. Think of a time you had a coach, teacher, parent, boss, or mentor boost your confidence and make you feel like you could run through a brick wall. What words did they use? What was their tone of voice? Were they passionate about what they were saying? If so, how did they project this passion? This is the way you should coach yourself. Talk to yourself the same way they did. Even use the same words- it can bring back those same feelings of confidence you had before.
Daily Plan- Have you ever shown up to work in the morning and had no idea where to start? We’ve all done it. Maybe you’ve even had a few drinks the night before- to make matters worse. The feeling of being lost, frazzled with anxiety, and worry that you are missing something sets in almost immediately. Then we usually start working on the first thing that comes to mind. Is it the most important or first thing that’s due? Maybe, but probably not.
Here's what I like to do right before I leave for the day or shut down my laptop or even before I head in the house from my car… I take the last 10 minutes of my day to plan my tomorrow. I like to use a whiteboard personally, but use what suits your process. Write out your top 3 priorities for that next day. Then number them from 1-3 in the order you are going to complete them. I also have a “Don’t Forget” column on the whiteboard. After having kids- the memory doesn’t work like it used to so this has become longer in recent months. I reserve this for any important messages I may need to share with others, items I need to bring from home, or general things for myself that I need to remember. Having a plan keeps your nervous system calm, gives you a direction to kick off your work day, and ensures you get the most important things completed. Create this habit today.
Focus your team- Communication with your team during busy times is crucial. Are you meeting with them daily or weekly? Do you have a set agenda? Your meeting cadence or communication system should be appropriate to the flow of your business.
How prepared are you for these meetings? Even if they are short- write it out. Keeping a note on your desk or your phone of everything to review is important so you aren’t trying to juggle everything in your head. That is impossible to keep organized! If you’re the leader- stick to the 3 most important topics. This will let your team know your priorities. If everything is a priority- nothing is a priority.
You don’t need a leader’s title to be a leader on your team. If you are poised, organized, and prepared for your meetings or calls- everyone else takes in that energy and learns from you.
Build Your Bench- Even if your business is not in growth mode you should ALWAYS be building your bench. If you have plans for growth (don’t we all?) don’t wait until you’re scrambling and desperate for people. This never turns out well because you settle for any Tom, Dick, or Mary who walks in the door. If you’ve been there- you know this cycle I’m talking about too well. I’ve done it too many times. It happens to the best of us and it’s not always preventable. However, the best way to grow is to always be looking for good people. If you’re the leader, it’s best to write out an employment brand with your fellow leadership team or HR team. What base qualities do you want these people to have? Any deal breakers? Now share this mission to constantly look for good people with your entire team! Don’t keep this a secret and make it a plan to talk about it often. Referrals are usually the best people a company acquires. Good people attract good people.